• PowerLock Read FIRST This document - brief instructions to get you started
• PowerLock Manual Full Manual in Microsoft Word 4.00D format
• AddOns ƒ Folder of files associated with PowerLock Add-Ons
Note that PowerLock includes a function key (FKEY), system extension (INIT) and a Desk Accessory (DA). These are all contained within PowerLock and you install them from PowerLock's Preferences dialog.
The PowerLock Manual describes all the new features of PowerLock and details how to install it effectively for your particular system. It is strongly recommended that you READ THE MANUAL.
OK, then don't.
What is PowerLock? PowerLock is a simple method of preventing unauthorised access to your Macintosh.
Installing PowerLock:
You can't run PowerLock without first following these instructions in the order indicated:
1. Make a copy of PowerLock before doing anything.
2. Put PowerLock into a folder on your hard disk - it’s recommended you use a separate folder for PowerLock.
3. Start PowerLock by double-clicking, making sure to hold the option key down until you see an alert. This lets PowerLock know that you’ve read the instructions and also sets the default password to 'PowerLock'.
4. You’ll see a message explaining what to do next. Take note of the message, then click OK. PowerLock will now quit. Here are the details of what to do next:
System 7 Users:
5. Select the PowerLock icon by single-clicking.
6. Choose “Make Alias” from the File Menu.
7. Place the alias into the StartUp Items folder inside your System Folder.
8. Optionally, create another alias and place it in your Apple Menu Items folder inside the System Folder.
System 6 Users:
5. Select the PowerLock icon by single-clicking.
6. Choose "Set Startup..." from the Special menu.
7. Make sure the button labelled “PowerLock” is selected.
8. Click OK.
All Users:
9. Restart your Macintosh.
10. Enter the default PowerLock password - "PowerLock". You'll be taken to the "Change Password" dialog. Follow the prompts to change the password to your preferred password.
Licence Information
You are welcome to distribute PowerLock to other individuals provided you do not charge any money for it. You should distribute the original PowerLock archive or at least reset the password to "PowerLock". To reset PowerLock, go into the Preferences dialog and click "Reset PowerLock..." - this ensures the password is changed back to "PowerLock", any licence information is removed, and ensures the person receiving PowerLock must first read the instructions.
Conditions of Use
PowerLock is provided as PostCardWare for private individual use only. It is not to be sold, used by businesses, corporations or by individuals on business premises without obtaining a licence. Only one copy of PowerLock can be used if it is unlicenced. This may sound tough, but after all it only costs a postcard!
PowerLock is supplied 'as is' - it comes without any warranties, express or implied, of any kind including fitness for purpose and merchantability. The author will not be liable for any damages whatsoever caused through the use of this product be they incidental, consequential or otherwise. The author's liability shall never exceed the cost of the software licence. The PowerLock licencee bears all responsibility for its use. Particular attention is drawn to the SuperSecurity™ features - these are to be used solely at the users own risk.
Businesses and Corporations may licence PowerLock for the entire business for a fee - please write for details and include the total number of employees in your company plus the required number of licences.
Individuals may licence PowerLock for use at their place of work for a fee of $15.
Send your request for licencing (including your version number and where you obtained PowerLock) together with a cheque (drawn on an Australian bank in Australian dollars) and I will forward details on how to include your licence information in PowerLock.
Send your postcards and/or cheques, including details of where you obtained PowerLock, and any suggested improvements to:
Rohan Cook
P O Box 317
Mornington Vic 3931
I can also be contacted on the AUSOM BBS in Melbourne - network mail address is
I would appreciate a postcard even if you don't use or like PowerLock - negative feedback is better than no feedback!
Benefits of Registering
PowerLock can be used by individuals for the small fee of one postcard. By registering (at a cost of $15) you receive a PowerLock licence which entitles you to use as many copies of PowerLock as you personally require regardless of whether at home or at work, provided each copy incorporates your licencing information. Your name will be placed on my mailing list - after a while I will be distributing details of add-ons available from myself and other persons. Some add-ons will only operate with licenced copies of PowerLock. Licenced PowerLock users will receive special offers on new add-ons and other applications. Licenced PowerLock users have the advantage of knowing that if they forget their password, they can obtain an access key. And, above all, licenced PowerLock users can rest easy knowing that they are supporting the ShareWare concept.
Add-On Technology Issues
You are free to utilise any of the source code provided with PowerLock to write add-ons. My only licencing condition is that you send me details of any Add-Ons you release - include a copy of the add-on, instructions and licensing issues. I have tried to make the PowerLock add-on architecture as open as possible whilst maintaining a reasonable balance of security and overhead. The add-on interface introduces some overhead to PowerLock operations which needs to be minimised. Also, to protect the security of PowerLock, I have deliberately not provided access to internal data structures, decrypted passwords/usernames etc. I do welcome any suggestions as to improving the add-on interface, adding additional messages or callbacks etc. I will maintain a register of all available add-ons and will distribute this on occasion to registered PowerLock users.